Resultados de la búsqueda

    6 Resultados
  • Joseph Evangelisti - Managing Director, Head, Worldwide Corporate Communications & Media Relations - posee un Bachelor of Arts in English de The University of Virginia.
    JPMorgan Chase - Banca - Estados Unidos
  • Douglas Scovanner - Director - has a Master of Business Administration from The University of Virginia and Undergraduate Degree from Washington and Lee University.
    Prudential Financial - Seguros - Estados Unidos
  • Betsy Palmer - Chief Marketing Officer - posee un Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Affairs de The University of Virginia.
    Corebridge Financial - Seguros - Estados Unidos
  • Frank Loverro - Co-Chief Executive Officer - posee un Bachelor in Economics de The University of Virginia.
    Kelso Private Equity - Fondo - Estados Unidos
  • Carolyn Desmond - Vice President, Development - posee un Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering de The University of Virginia.
    Skanska US Commercial Development - Construcción/Obras Públicas - Estados Unidos
  • Beth Kseniak - Head of External Communications - posee un Bachelor of Arts in American Government and Politics de The University of Virginia.
    Standard Industries - Holding - Estados Unidos

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