Resultados de la búsqueda

    6 Resultados
  • Rhonda Fenner - Senior Vice President, Operations Transformation - posee un Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Finance de Southwest Minnesota State University.
    AmeriLife - Seguros - Estados Unidos
  • Mitch Altermatt - Chief Executive Officer and General Manager - posee un Bachelor of Science in Business Management de Southwest Minnesota State University.
    United Farmers Cooperative - Ganadería - Estados Unidos
  • Debra Geister - Vice President of Product Commercialization, Compliance, and Regulatory - posee un Bachelor of Science in Speech Communications de Southwest Minnesota State University.
  • Aaron Lange - Chief Technology Officer - posee un Bachelor of Arts in Math and Computer Science de Southwest Minnesota State University.
    Marketing Architects - Comunicación & Ventas - Estados Unidos
  • Jim Dell - Chief Executive Officer and President - se graduó en Southwest Minnesota State University.
    Landmark Services Cooperative - Agricultura - Estados Unidos
  • Breanna Kosminskas - Chief Financial Officer - posee un Bachelor of Science de Southwest Minnesota State University.

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