Resultados de la búsqueda

    10 Resultados
  • Abigail O'Keefe - Senior Director and Head of US Talent Acquisition - posee un Bachelor of Science in English de Regis College.
    Alnylam Pharmaceuticals - Biotecnología - Estados Unidos
  • Cheryl Warren - Senior Managing Director, Health Solutions - has a Master of Science in Nursing Administration from Regis College and Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Curry College.
    FTI Consulting - Consultoría - Estados Unidos
  • Charles Andrew - Chief Financial Officer - posee un Bachelor of Science, Accounting, Business Administration and Economics de Regis College.
  • Annmarie Woods - Regional Vice President, Intermediary Distribution - posee un Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Government de Regis College.
    Guggenheim Investments - Banco de inversiones - Estados Unidos
  • Leah Leahy - Vice President of Premium Sales and Service - posee un Bachelors in Communication and Media de Regis College.
    Boston Bruins - Deportes - Estados Unidos
  • Bill Cupelo - Chief Business Officer - has a Master of Science in Molecular Imaging and Therapy from Regis College and Bachelor of Science in Clinical Nuclear Medicine from Wheeling Jesuit.
    Scott Holbrook - Director - has a Master of Science in Molecular Imaging and Therapy from Regis College and Bachelor of Science in Clinical Nuclear Medicine from Wheeling Jesuit.
    Ratio Therapeutics - Farmacia - Estados Unidos
  • Larissa Darcy - Vice President, Commercial Lending - has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Legal Studies from Regis College and Real Estate degree from University of Southern Maine.
    Norway Savings Bank - Banca - Estados Unidos
  • Christine Guertin - Vice President, Regulatory Affairs - has a M.S in Health Product Regulation from Regis College and Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from Saint Joseph's College.
    Taiho Oncology - Farmacia - Estados Unidos
  • Michael Cappello - Senior Vice President, Technology Delivery - posee un Bachelor of Science, Engineering Sciences with minors in Mathmatics and Physics de Regis College.
    General Fusion - Energía - Canadá
  • Janet Bernard - President - posee un Bachelor de Regis College.

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