Resultados de la búsqueda

    5 Resultados
  • Julie Fitzgerald - Partner and Leader of Finance Transformation, Growth and Markets - posee un Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronic Engineering de Plymouth University.
    PwC Switzerland - Auditoría & Contabilidad - Suiza
  • Steve Hemmings - Automotive Sales Director - posee un Bachelor of Arts in Marketing de Plymouth University.
  • Kerin Williams - Company Secretary - se graduó en Plymouth University.
    Best of the Best - Entretenimiento & Viaje - Reino Unido
  • Matthew Burton - Senior Vice President, Global Business Development - posee un Bachelor of Science in Maritime Business and Law de Plymouth University.
    Skuld UK - Seguros - Reino Unido
  • Peter Walters - Managing Director, Cash Services - posee un Bachelor of Science in Economics and Politics de Plymouth University.
    G4S United Arab Emirates - Seguridad - Emiratos Árabes Unidos

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