Resultados de la búsqueda

    6 Resultados
  • Simon Vincent - Executive Vice President and President of Europe, Middle East and Africa - posee un Bachelor of Science in Banking and International Finance de City University (GB).
    Hilton Worldwide - Hoteles - Estados Unidos
  • Daniel Rupp - Chief Financial Officer - posee un Bachelor of Science (Honours) Business Studies, First Class de City University (GB).
  • George Dimitroff - Head of Valuations - posee un Bachelor of Science in Air Transport Engineering de City University (GB).
  • Nicholas Tey - Regional Manager, International Financial Lines Business - posee un Bachelor of Science, Insurance and Investment de City University (GB).
    Beazley Asia Pacific - Seguros - Singapur
  • Duncan Walker - Chief Financial Officer - posee un Bachelor of Science in Property Valuation and Finance de City University (GB).
    Seven Investment Management - Servicios Financieros - Reino Unido
  • Andrew Burt - Head of Business Development - posee un Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Statistics de City University (GB).
    Puma Investments - Holding - Estados Unidos

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