Resultados de la búsqueda

    15 Resultados
  • Robert Marsden - Chief Executive Officer - posee un Bachelor of Engineering in Mining Engineering de Camborne School of Mines.
    Anglesey Mining - Minas - Reino Unido
  • Ian Edgar - Vice President, Underground Planning - posee un Bachelor of Engineering in Mining Engineering de Camborne School of Mines.
    Freeport-McMoRan - Minas - Estados Unidos
  • Martin Wafforn - Senior Vice President, Technical Services and Process Optimization - posee un Bachelor’s Degree in Mining, Honours de Camborne School of Mines.
    Dave Howe - Vice President of Operations, North America - posee un Master of Science in Mining Geology de Camborne School of Mines.
    Pan American Silver - Metales preciosos y minerales - Canadá
  • Robert Edwards - Chief Financial Officer and Director - posee un Bachelor specializing in Mining Engineering, with honors de Camborne School of Mines.
    American Creek Resources - Metales preciosos y minerales - Canadá
  • Suresh Rajapakse - Vice President, Health, Environment and Safety - posee un Bachelor of Engineering in Minerals Processing Engineering de Camborne School of Mines.
    Radius Recycling - Metalurgia - Estados Unidos
  • John McGloin - Non-Executive Director - has a Master of Science of Mining from Camborne School of Mines and Bachelor of Science in Geology from National University of Ireland.
    Stephen Kofi Ndede - General Manager of Operations, Edikan - posee un Master de Camborne School of Mines.
  • Paul Goodfellow - Chairman of the Board - has a PhD in Rock Mechanics from Camborne School of Mines and Bachelor of Science in Mining and Mineral Engineering from Camborne School of Mines.
    Shell Midstream Partners - Petróleo & Gas - Estados Unidos
  • Tim Petterson - Independent Director - posee un Bachelor in Mining Engineering de Camborne School of Mines.
    Marimaca Copper - Minas - Canadá
  • Scott Yelland - Chief Operating Officer - posee un Master of Science de Camborne School of Mines.
    Central Asia Metals - Metalurgia - Reino Unido
  • Eric Chapman - Senior Vice President, Technical Services - has a Master of Science in Mining Geology from Camborne School of Mines and Bachelor of Science in Geology from University of Southampton.
    Fortuna Silver Mines - Metales preciosos y minerales - Canadá
  • Owen Mihalop - Chief Operating Officer - has a Master of Science in Mining Engineering from Camborne School of Mines and Bachelor of Science in Exploration and Mining Geology from University of Wales, Cardiff.
    John McGloin - Independent Director - has a Master of Science of Mining from Camborne School of Mines and Bachelor of Science in Geology from National University of Ireland.
  • Robert Edwards - Independent Non-Executive Director - posee un Bachelor of Engineering in Mining Engineering de Camborne School of Mines.
  • Martin Wafforn - Director - posee un Bachelor’s Degree in Mining, Honours de Camborne School of Mines.
    New Pacific Metals - Metales preciosos y minerales - Canadá
  • Andrew Northfield - General Manager, Selinsing Gold Mine - posee un Bachelor’s Degree in Mineral Processing Technology de Camborne School of Mines.
  • John McGloin - Chief Executive Officer and Director - has a Master of Science of Mining from Camborne School of Mines and Bachelor of Science in Geology from National University of Ireland.
    Diamond Fields International - Metales preciosos y minerales - Canadá

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