Biografía de Fook Sun Lee

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Fook Sun fue Deputy Chief Executive Officer para Singapore Technologies Engineering, y President of Defence Business de Singapore Technologies Engineering. Mr Lee joined Singapore Technologies Electronics Limited (ST Electronics) in December 2000 and was the President of ST Electronics from 15 August 2009 to 31 December 2016. Prior to this, he held several senior management appointments including President of Defence and International Business, Deputy President, Operations and President, Defence Business. Before joining ST Electronics, he served in the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) as Director of Joint Intelligence Directorate from 1996 to 2000. Fook Sun Lee se incorporó a SMRT en 2017.

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Fook Sun Lee obtuvo un Bachelor of Arts por University of Oxford y un Master of Arts in Engineering Science por University of Oxford.

También han estudiado en University of Oxford:

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También han estudiado en University of Oxford:

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