Resultados de la búsqueda

    7 Resultados
  • Anders Hannevik - Senior Vice President, Special Projects - posee un Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Offshore Constructions de Norwegian Institute of Technology.
    Aker Solutions - Petróleo & Gas - Noruega
  • Magne Nygard - Vice President Strategic Developments - se graduó en Norwegian Institute of Technology.
    Akofs Offshore - Holding - Noruega
  • Olav Lindtjorn - Chief Technical Officer - posee un Master of Science in Electrical Engineering de Norwegian Institute of Technology.
    Altus Intervention - Petróleo & Gas - Noruega
  • Remi Eriksen - Group President and Chief Executive Officer - posee un Master of Science in Electronics and Computer Science de Norwegian Institute of Technology.
  • Per Otto Dyb - Vice Chairman of the Board - posee un Degree in Civil Engineering de Norwegian Institute of Technology.
  • Gro Kielland - Chairman of the Board - posee un Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering & a Diploma of Education de Norwegian Institute of Technology.
  • Øystein Klungland - Chief Operating Officer - has a Master from Norwegian Institute of Technology and Master from Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
    Selvaag Bolig - Inmobiliaria - Noruega

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